Historic England have funded the Protected Wreck Association and MSDS Marine to undertake a project to provide support to England’s protected wreck site volunteers. You can find out more about the project here: https://protectedwrecks.org.uk/news/historic-england-fund-new-project-to-support-diving-volunteers

As part of this project we would like to identify what training licensees and their team members feel would be beneficial. This will enable Historic England to better target resources in future and allow the Protected Wreck Association to develop training with partners in the sector to meet their member’s needs. Please do share it with all team members. The survey takes less than five minutes to complete and as an incentive we will offer one person who completes this, chosen at random, a £25 Go Dive gift voucher and a pack of Protected Wreck Trump cards.

You can complete the survey here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=VTaNMQme70OKbtQp-W0sN8o836FY_FdFiwXz0aC9-VNUODFQNVNQMlZJWVVQV1A1SU1MRllGTzFLMS4u